Saturday, June 20, 2009


this is new experience for me, doing online presentation is really a bit unused to it
before this, when i am studying at university, we r asked to do classroom presentation with a crowd to evaluate your performance.

this round, only priscilla able to join as guest and look at our presentation.
it's really nervous...
feel lucky too, when alex is not able to make it... haha
release my stress....

now, what i need to do is to update the blog and send to alex
also some work for the assignment...

today, i found that the google share document are really good and be useful to do presentation... can invite others as audience and look at the slide in google document
besides, the presentation also have speaker key notes for presenter to refer.

just one thing, if the line is weaked or there is disturbances, such as raining heavily or what..
the online progress might not be workeh out smoothly
this is the only risk
+ blackout...

just now, my house blackout without notice.. for 15 minutes, was staying in the dark alone...
it's really uncomfortable...

1 comment:

Alex Chew said...

Learn to go with the flow of things, I remind myself not to frustrate myself over something I have no control e.g. like Blackouts instead make the best use of the situation, mediate on the flame of the candle and let inspiration comes on the problem you are working on. Darkness can be comforting not frightening once our eyes get use to it same with new experiences.