Keefe (1979) defines learning styles as the "composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment." Stewart and Felicetti (1992) define learning styles as those "educational conditions under which a student is most likely to learn." Thus, learning styles are not really concerned with "what" learners learn, but rather "how" they prefer to learn. (http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/styles.html)
learning is interesting. before this, i was able to run workshop for my UTAR student's about learning style. What type of learner u r?
are u a visual learner? audio type? or traditional type?
if u r specific learning style, then the intelligence might able be one of the style u prefer.
in this action learning set, we start from an stranger, to move towards the goal.
Knowing myself and my team's learning style allows me to grow and develop more effectively, building my ICT skills and also top up my personal experience and, i feel that, it's really allowing me to meet my life goals.
sometimes, i feel that i m so "small" and lacking of knowledge in my work,
via this learning, i mean the action learning set do make me aware of my weaknesses and make me move forward on how to gain more resources in my field work.
i will work harder....
do more self relection and shown more evidence of "e-learning"...