Sunday, May 10, 2009

embedied video

this is a totally new experience for me
how to embedied the video from u tube, e-reseouces

well, things go to alex seems like quite easy...
he start to Q us with Question mark ????
WHY? WHERE?WHEN? WHICH?WHAT? AND WHO?? the most important is HOW??

he say, through out the experience to ask about the question will able to enhance the critical thinking, releftion of thinking and analytical thinking...
the 3key component is significantly in linking with the time, space and people.

i ask myself again, what would i want to learn in this mini-module course?
as i spending money by my own, and sacrifices my personal time (not yet study for my psychology paper which be tested on 13.5.09), what i want to learn in this quality time?

where i want to start? what is my expectaton? what kind of information i want? hos i find useful resources that benefit me in my own practice as a clinical work, in this helping profesion?

too many answer....

i try to embedied this video from u tube, as practice
just like alex said
have fun first

learning is always related v fun...
no fun, no motivation.. right?
hehe... try to entertaint myself with this little crock..

i found this sand tray therapy at u tube which is in Japanese language
tough i do not understand about what he tryng to say, just try to share d info here

just trying up... the calendar

just would like to try out how to embedied the calendar into blogspot.